Happy March! To celebrate getting to one of my favorite months of the year, I thought I would make Lion and Lamb cupcakes to go along with the old adage In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb.
Let's hope that is the case, anyway!
I found this idea on FamilyFun.com. Recipe and instructions are
Here is my version.

The lions look pretty close to the original.

the lambs do not!

This recipe calls for the Hershey Swoops candy for the head. I could not find these (I don't even know if they make them anymore) so I used miniature peppermint patties instead. Also, the recipe calls for jelly beans, but apparently I should have used itty-bitty jelly beans because, as it is, I cut the jelly beans in half and they were still enormous. Finally (and I just discovered this one after looking at an enlargement of the original) the recipe calls for mini nonpariels, which I used. The original, however, uses those white nonpariel-covered chocolate chips. It makes a big difference! So I am a little frustated by the inaccuracy of the directions, and at my inability to spot these inaccuracies before I started making the lambs. Hopefully I will have spared the same frustrations to any readers who decide to make these themselves.
They do make pretty cute teddy bears, though.