I married into a big Steelers family, so it is fun to have a reason to watch the superbowl this year.
I thought I would celebrate by making cookies. Cookie decorating is one of those things that I love to do but haven't quite mastered yet. I look for tips anywhere I can. This time around I found some new recipes for the cookies and frosting from my favorite
baking blog. (Check her out, she's awesome!!)
Once my cookies were baked and cooled, it was time for the fun part!
First I found a picture of a Steelers helmet (that wasn't black--I cannot figure out how to make a decent black frosting.) I printed it out (only to realize that our non-photo printer doesn't have any color ink in it) and made some sketches and notes. This was the first time I'd done real prep work; I usually just wing it. It made a big difference having a map to follow.

Here's a picture of all of my cookies lined up and ready to go. I've found it helps to keep them on the cooling racks. They are slightly elevated so that, if frosting does run off, it won't pool around the cookie.

And here are the finished products.
The football:

And the helmet. Due to size limitations, I ended up opting to do only the red star on the helmet.

And here they are all together! Ready to be gobbled up by some hungry Steeler fans. I'm very proud that only one didn't make it to the party. I could have done some serious eating last night!!