Hello, Obvious.
If you are like me, you are too busy to read the directions thoroughly, let alone follow them, right? And if you are like me, you avoid buying the tools you really need thinking that you will just make do with what you have, right? Or maybe it is just me...
Anyway, on the outside chance that I am not the only one out there who suffers from impatience or cheapskate -ness, here are a few things I learned from my summer of baking that have made a big difference in how my baked goods are turning out. (Again, hello, obvious.)
(1) I got a sifter.
It was actually a Christmas present from my mom who was with me in Spoons & Spice when I saw one and said, "You know I really should get one of these." Lo and behold, on Christmas morning...
Anyway, it only takes a few seconds longer and does a much better job at making sure my dry ingredients are nicely de-clumped. It does a much better job than Martha's "whisk to sift" trick.
(2) I started using this (yes, I know, another plug for Crisco...):
to do this:
Maybe you like little helper hands or already know this...but just in case: you can use a paper towel to spread your crisco too...less fuss to wash your hands :) And even cover your crisco with flour/ shake off the excess. My mom would do that.